Tile Indexes

  • GET /apps/{app}/tileindexes/services.json Get tile index description

    Retrieve the tile index service description. This contains information regarding the services available and the documentation options.

    Request Parameters

    Coming soon.

    Query Parameters

    Coming soon.


    Coming soon.


    Coming soon.

  • GET /apps/{app}/tileindexes/{uuid}/services/ogc/{wxs} Access WxS service

    Access the tile index WxS services.

    Request Parameters

    Route Parameters
    Parameter Description Type Options
    app Application alias string rgis, epscor, elseweb
    uuid Tile index identifier uuid
    wxs OGC Service Type string wms, wfs, wcs
    Query Parameters

    GSToRE uses MapServer to provide OGC services. Please see MapServer for more information regarding the required query parameters and their definitions.

    To identify which OGC services are supported for a given tile index, please refer to the tile index's service response (Get tile index description).


    Coming soon.


    The structure of the response varies depending on the OGC service and query parameters selected.