
  • GET /apps/{app}/datasets/{uuid}/mapper Get dataset previewer

    Basic data preview HTML.

    Note: this functionality will be deprecated soon. Please take advantage of the OGC Services and other streaming data services in any future development.

    Request Parameters

    Route Parameters
    Parameter Description Type Options
    app Application alias string rgis, epscor, elseweb
    uuid Dataset identifier uuid
    Query Parameters



    View the HTML response for the 2013 Jaroso Post Fire Imagery, 32 raster dataset:



    The request returns an HTML page containing a basic map preview and dataset information.

  • GET /apps/{app}/datasets/{uuid}/attributes.{ext} Get dataset attributes

    Get the attribute definitions for a vector or tabular dataset.

    Request Parameters

    Route Parameters
    Parameter Description Type Options
    app Application alias string rgis, epscor, elseweb
    uuid Dataset identifier uuid
    ext format string json, kml
    Query Parameters



    View the JSON response for the SNOTEL Chamita, NM (Mar, 2014) vector dataset:



    JSON Schema
    total (integer): number of attributes
    results (array(dict)):
    datatype (string): attribute type
    description (string): description of the attribute, if provided
    original_name (string): name of the attribute from the original source file (may be modified depending on the limitations of supported file types; see "name")
    uuid (uuid): attribute identifier
    name (string): attribute name (shapefile-safe)
        "total": 19,
        "results": [
                "datatype": "int",
                "description": "NRCS Internal Site Number",
                "original_name": "Site Id",
                "uuid": "aeb97c0a-3c43-4abb-8837-c8f7e1a6f3a8",
                "name": "site_id"
                "datatype": "string",
                "description": "Date",
                "original_name": "Date",
                "uuid": "c9746566-2942-4357-9b34-a1891eb7eff3",
                "name": "date"
                "datatype": "double",
                "description": "Snow Water Equivalent",
                "original_name": "WTEQ.I-1 (in)",
                "uuid": "e5a53571-b025-4781-b42e-68a391ac6d4e",
                "name": "wteqi_1"
    KML Schema

    Refer to the KML Documentation for more information.

    <Schema name="2730123d-070c-45ee-8d8d-b5e4df135faf" id="2730123d-070c-45ee-8d8d-b5e4df135faf">
        <SimpleField type="int" name="site_id">
        <SimpleField type="string" name="date">
        <SimpleField type="string" name="time">
        <SimpleField type="double" name="wteqi_1">
  • GET /apps/{app}/datasets/{uuid}/statistics.{ext} Get dataset statistics

    Get basic statistics for a dataset. This includes descriptive statistics such as mean, minimum and maximum for numeric fields for tabular of vector data or histograms for raster data.

    Request Parameters

    Route Parameters

    Coming soon.

    Query Parameters

    Coming soon.


    Coming soon.


    Coming soon.