Coal Mine Permit Boundaries
Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository
Identification Information
- Title Coal Mine Permit Boundaries
- Date 2005-10-19
- Date Type Publication
- Cited Responsible Party
- Organization Name New Mexico Mining and Minerals Division
- Role identify
- Presentation Form vector digital data
- Abstract ESRI ArcView shapefile depicting New Mexico coal mines permitted under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977
(SMCRA), by either the NM Mining & Minerals Division (MMD), or by the federal DOI Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation &
Enforcement, as of October 2005. The permit boundaries of the mines are displayed as polygons; these boundaries were typically
derived from source AutoCAD drawing (.dwg) files submitted to as part of the permitting process, and are known to contain
some inaccuracies.
- Purpose The data is intended for general depiction of New Mexico coal mine permit boundaries, and not for highly detailed analysis
requiring accurate locations.
- Data Set Credit R W Koehler, Mining and Minerals Division
- Status In work
- Point of Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Maintenance and Update Frequency Annually
- Descriptive Keywords coal mine, permit boundary, New Mexico, SMCRA
- Access Constraints This dataset is freely available to the public, with the constraints that the accuracy limitations are understood, and the
metadata are included whenever this dataset is distributed.
- Use Constraints This dataset may be used to depict the general overall location of New Mexico permit coal mine boundaries, provided the user
does not state or imply that the dataset is highly accurate, and furthermore, provided the user correctly attributes the source
of the data to be the MMD.
- Language English
- Topic Category geoscientificInformation
- Extent
- Geographic Bounding Box
- West Bound -109.037333647284
- East Bound -104.822787869804
- North Bound 36.9999746682567
- South Bound 34.4772034751604
- Temporal Extent
- Beginning Position 2004-02-01
- Ending Position 2005-10-14
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Distribution Information
- Distributor
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Transfer Options
- Online Resource ZIP
- Online Resource ESRI Shapefile (shp)
- Online Resource GML
- Online Resource KML
- Online Resource GeoJSON
- Online Resource JSON
- Online Resource Comma Separated Values (csv)
- Online Resource MS Excel format (xls)
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Spatial Reference Information
- Spatial References
- Spatial Reference North American Datum of 1983
- Online Reference EPSG:4269
- Spatial Reference Geodetic Reference System 80
- Online Reference EPSG:7019
- Spatial Reference Universal Transverse Mercator, 13
- Online Reference EPSG:26713
- Indirect Spatial Reference Rio Arriba County (35039)
- Geometric Object Type G-polygon
- Geometric Object Count 23
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Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Report The primary attribute of interest to the typical user would be the "mine name". The mine name given is consistent with that
which is used by the mine operator, the general public, and MMD. Attributes providing areal extent, such as "Area_m2", "Hectares",
and "Acres", should be within reasonable limits. "PermitNum" - the Permit Number assigned by the regulatory authority having
jurisdiction - is accurate as of the publication date, but is subject to periodic change, as would be "Operator". "Jurisdict"
should be fine. "Status" is accruate, but can change as market conditions and other factors may influence it.
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Attribute Accuracy Value
- Attribute Accuracy Explanation
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Report The permit boundaries indicated within this dataset are derived from a range of sources: different mine operators, at different
time periods, using different technologies. Some are delivered as paper maps with estimated locations of bondary points taken
from a USGS topo map. Some may be "surveyed in" and delivered as digital information as part of an AutoCAD drawing. Due to
the wide range of possibilities, it is very difficult to determine an accuracy value, yet alone feel comfortable in providing
one that covers all the possibiliities. We hope to work with the various mines to provide more detailed accuracy information,
and more accurate positions, in the future.
- Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value 100
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation From comparisions to other sources, such as orthophotos, the positions of the permit boundaries should be accurate to within
100 meters. MMD itself does not rely on this dataset to be any more accurate than that value, and the user should not either.
In instances where a "permit boundary" question might have legal import, MMD would hire a surveyor to ascertain the position
to a high degree.
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Report
- Report NA
- Quantitative Vertical Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Value
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Logical Consistency Report To the best of our knowledge, the dataset contains no broken or unclosed polygons, no fractional entities, etc. All polygons
are closed and complete. Both Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2005 and ESRI ArcGIS 9.0 were used to produce a clean dataset.
- Completeness Report The dataset is complete in that it reflects the domain of "permitted coal mine boundaries" as of the publication date. No
more, no less.
- Lineage
- Process Step
- Process Description Location of permit boundary is determined, by any number of methodologies, ranging from an estimation of corresponding section
corners from topographic map, to a surveyed plat
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Process Step
- Process Description Permit boundary is entered as an AutoCAD drawing layer, or as part of some other CAD software package
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Process Step
- Process Description AutoCAD drawing is either delivered as a digital version via CD, or as a paper map, to MMD, as part of a permit submittal
package, or as part of an Annual Report
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Process Step
- Process Description 4a) AutoCAD drawing is reviewed, and layer containing permit boundary is isolated ("layiso") and inspected for suitability,
correctness, etc. Edited, and converted to polygon if necessary. 4b) Paper map is reviewed, placed on digitizer, whereupon
AutoCAD is used to enter digitized location of permit boundary. Boundary is reviewed for suitability, correctness, etc.
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description Layer containing permit boundary is exported as ESRI shapefile, in whatever native projection/coordinate system/datum the
source material had. AutoCAD Map "Export" tool.
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description Layer is inspected using ArcInfo ArcCatalog and ArcMap (usually by comparing to pre-existing boundary info, orthophotos, etc.).
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description Permit boundary layer is reprojected into both geographic decimal degrees NAD 27 and UTM Zone 13 NAD 83 as separate shapefiles,
for use in various projects.
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description Individual permit boundaries for each mine are combined into one shapefile to create this dataset. Older versions of any specific
mine's permit boundary are deleted and the newer version is added.
- Process Date Unknown
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Rick Koehler
- Organization Name
- Position Name GIS Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-476-3417
- Facsimile 505-476-3402
- Address
- Delivery Point 1220 South St. Francis Drive
- City Santa Fe
- Administrative Area New Mexico
- Postal Code 87505
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
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Metadata Reference Information
- File Identifier 04a22a6b-3b8b-4f73-b7f3-668a1f16f4d3
- Metadata Language English
- Hierarchy Level Dataset
- Date Stamp 2024-12-26
- Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
- Metadata Standard Version 1.0
- Metadata Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
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