Digital Geologic Map of New Mexico - Volcanic Vents
Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository
Identification Information
- Title Digital Geologic Map of New Mexico - Volcanic Vents
- Date 2009-03-09
- Date Type Publication
- Cited Responsible Party
- Organization Name Gregory N. Green Glen E. Jones
- Role identify
- Presentation Form vector digital data
- Abstract The geologic map was created in GSMAP at Socorro, New Mexico by Orin Anderson and Glen Jones and published as the Geologic
Map of New Mexico 1:500,000 in GSMAP format in 1994. This graphic file was converted to ARC/INFO format by Greb Green and
GlenJones and released as the Geologic Map of New Mexico in ARC/INFO format in 1997. This shapefile only shows the volcanic
vents for New Mexico, that are used on the Digital Geologic Map for New Mexico.
- Purpose This dataset was developed to provide geologic map GIS database of New Mexico for use in future spatial analysis by a variety
of users. This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale other than 1:500,000.
- Supplemental Information This data base consists of three major Arc/Info GIS datasets: one the geologic map with faults, formations and volcanic vents,
two the index and correlation chart and three the sources of geologic data.
- Data Set Credit Gregory N. Green of U.S. Geological Survey and Orin Anderson and Glen Jones of New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,
Socorro, New Mexico
- Status Complete
- Point of Contact
- Individual Name Gregory N. Green
- Organization Name
- Position Name geologist
- Role Point of contact
- Voice (303) 236-5390
- Facsimile none
- Address
- Delivery Point MS 905, USGS, Denver Federal Center
- City Denver
- Administrative Area CO
- Postal Code 80225
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed
- Descriptive Keywords geology, Volcanic Vents, 1100 - Geology, 1101 - General
- Access Constraints none
- Use Constraints This database is not meant to be used or displayed at any scale other than 1:500,000. Any hardcopies utilizing these data
sets shall clearly indicate their source. If the licensee has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe
the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. Licensee specifically agrees not to misrepresent these
data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the U.S. Geological Survey.
- Language English
- Topic Category geoscientificInformation
- Extent
- Geographic Bounding Box
- West Bound -109.043090820312
- East Bound -103.170486450195
- North Bound 36.9401168823242
- South Bound 31.7985954284668
- Temporal Extent
- DateTime 1997
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Distribution Information
- Distributor
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Transfer Options
- Online Resource ZIP
- Online Resource ESRI Shapefile (shp)
- Online Resource GML
- Online Resource KML
- Online Resource GeoJSON
- Online Resource JSON
- Online Resource Comma Separated Values (csv)
- Online Resource MS Excel format (xls)
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Spatial Reference Information
- Spatial References
- Spatial Reference North American Datum of 1983
- Online Reference EPSG:4269
- Spatial Reference Geodetic Reference System 80
- Online Reference EPSG:7019
- Indirect Spatial Reference Rio Arriba County (35039)
- Geometric Object Type Entity point String GT-polygon composed of chains
- Geometric Object Count 773 37133 12528
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Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Report compiled mapping field checked by NMBM
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Attribute Accuracy Value
- Attribute Accuracy Explanation
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Report Compiled from 1:250,000 scale maps
- Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Logical Consistency Report Polygon and chain-node topology present.
- Completeness Report finished
- Lineage
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator 500000
- Type of Source Media disc
- Source Time Period of Content
- DateTime 1994
- Source Currentness Reference publication date
- Source Citation Abbreviation Anderson and Jones (1994)
- Source Contribution Orin Anderson created the state scale geologic map of New Mexico. Orin Anderson and Glen Jones created a digital New Mexico
graphic in 1994. Greg Green and Glen Jones converted this to ARC/INFO in 1997.
- Process Step
- Process Description This geologic map was prepared as part of a study of digital methods and techniques as applied to complex geologic maps. The
geologic map was digitized in GSMAP at Socorro, New Mexico by Orin Anderson and Glen Jones and published as the Geologic Map
of New Mexico 1:500,000 (Anderson and Jones, 1994) in GSMAP format. The vector line work and polygon point labels were converted
to ARC/INFO format on a DOS based PC with GSMARC (Green and Selner,1988). These data were transferred to a Data General UNIX
system and loaded into ARC/INFO. Each vector and polygon was given attributes derived from the original 1994 GSMAP geologic
map. Both digital versions are at 1:500,000 scale using the Lambert Conformal Conic map projection parameters of the State
base map. Processes for preparing the map occurred from 1994 to 1997.
- Process Date 1994
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Gregory N. Green
- Organization Name
- Position Name Geologist
- Role Point of contact
- Voice (303) 236-5390
- Facsimile none
- Address
- Delivery Point MS 905, USGS, Denver Federal Center
- City Denver
- Administrative Area CO
- Postal Code 80225
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
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Metadata Reference Information
- File Identifier e618b09a-e4b6-46df-9560-1e11e19f6926
- Metadata Language English
- Hierarchy Level Dataset
- Date Stamp 2024-12-30
- Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
- Metadata Standard Version 1.0
- Metadata Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
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