Otero County 2010 Census County Subdivision County-based

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Citation Information
Originator U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
Publication Date 2011-06-06
Publication Time 15:00:59
Title Otero County 2010 Census County Subdivision County-based
Geospatial Data Presentation Form vector digital data
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Online Linkage http://www.census.gov/geo/www/tiger
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/services/ogc/wms?SERVICE=wms&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.1.1
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/services/ogc/wfs?SERVICE=wfs&REQUEST=GetCapabilities&VERSION=1.0.0
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.shp
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.original.zip
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.gml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.kml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.geojson
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.json
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.csv
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.xls
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/FGDC-STD-001-1998.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/FGDC-STD-001-1998.html
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/ISO-19115:2003.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/ISO-19115:2003.html
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/ISO-19119:WMS.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/ISO-19119:WFS.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/metadata/ISO-19110.xml
Larger Work Citation
Abstract The TIGER/Line Files are shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) that are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line File is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. County subdivisions are the primary divisions of counties and their equivalent entities for the reporting of Census Bureau data, and they include legally minor civil divisions (MCDs) and statistical census county divisions (CCDs), and unorganized territories. For the 2010 Census, the legal MCDs are the primary governmental and/or administrative divisions of counties in 29 States and Puerto Rico; Tennessee changed from having CCDs for Census 2000 to having MCDs for the 2010 Census. In MCD States where no MCD exists or is not defined, the Census Bureau creates statistical unorganized territories to complete coverage. The entire area of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas is covered by county subdivisions. The boundaries of all 2010 Census legal MCDs are as of January 1, 2010 as reported through the Census Bureau's Boundary and Annexation Survey (BAS). For the 2010 Census, CCDs or their equivalents are delineated in 21 States. The boundaries of all 2010 Census statistical CCDs were delineated as part of the Census Bureau's Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP).
Purpose In order for others to use the information in the Census MAF/TIGER database in a geographic information system (GIS) or for other geographic applications, the Census Bureau releases to the public extracts of the database in the form of TIGER/Line Shapefiles.
Time Period of Content
Range of Dates/Times
Beginning Date 2010-01
Ending Date 2010-07
Currentness Reference publication date
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency TIGER/Line Shapefiles are extracted from the Census MAF/TIGER database. No changes or updates will be made to this version of the TIGER/Line Shapefiles. Future releases of TIGER/Line Shapefiles will reflect updates made to the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate -106.377628
East Bounding Coordinate -104.847563
North Bounding Coordinate 33.390815
South Bounding Coordinate 32.000278
Thesaurus None
Keyword County or equivalent entity
Keyword Polygon
Keyword County Subdivision
Keyword Subdivision
Keyword Minor Civil Division
Keyword MCD
Keyword Census County Division
Keyword CCD
Keyword Town
Keyword Township
Keyword Unorganized Territory
Keyword UT
Keyword Barrio
Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Keyword boundaries
Thesaurus INCITS.38-200x (R2004),INCITS.31-200x (R2007),INCITS.454-200x,INCITS 455-200x,INCITS 446-2008
Keyword United States
Keyword U.S.
Keyword County or Equivalent Entity
Keyword Otero
Keyword 35035
Access Constraints None
Use Constraints The TIGER/Line Shapefile products are not copyrighted however TIGER/Line and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the U.S. Census Bureau. These products are free to use in a product or publication, however acknowledgement must be given to the U.S. Census Bureau as the source. The boundary information in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles are for statistical data collection and tabulation purposes only; their depiction and designation for statistical purposes does not constitute a determination of jurisdictional authority or rights of ownership or entitlement and they are not legal land descriptions.Coordinates in the TIGER/Line shapefiles have six implied decimal places, but the positional accuracy of these coordinates is not as great as the six decimal places suggest.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
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Data Quality Information

Attribute Accuracy Report
Report Accurate against Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), FIPS Publication 6-4, and FIPS-55 at the 100% level for the codes and base names. The remaining attribute information has been examined but has not been fully tested for accuracy.
Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
Attribute Accuracy Value
Attribute Accuracy Explanation
Logical Consistency Report The Census Bureau performed automated tests to ensure logical consistency and limits of shapefiles. Segments making up the outer and inner boundaries of a polygon tie end-to-end to completely enclose the area. All polygons are tested for closure. The Census Bureau uses its internally developed geographic update system to enhance and modify spatial and attribute data in the Census MAF/TIGER database. Standard geographic codes, such as FIPS codes for states, counties, municipalities, county subdivisions, places, American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian areas, and congressional districts are used when encoding spatial entities. The Census Bureau performed spatial data tests for logical consistency of the codes during the compilation of the original Census MAF/TIGER database files. Most of the codes for geographic entities except states, counties, urban areas, Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), American Indian Areas (AIAs), and congressional districts were provided to the Census Bureau by the USGS, the agency responsible for maintaining FIPS 55. Feature attribute information has been examined but has not been fully tested for consistency. For the TIGER/Line Shapefiles, the Point and Vector Object Count for the G-polygon SDTS Point and Vector Object Type reflects the number of records in the shapefile attribute table. For multi-polygon features, only one attribute record exists for each multi-polygon rather than one attribute record per individual G-polygon component of the multi-polygon feature. TIGER/Line Shapefile multi-polygons are an exception to the G-polygon object type classification. Therefore, when multi-polygons exist in a shapefile, the object count will be less than the actual number of G-polygons.
Completeness Report Data completeness of the TIGER/Line Shapefiles reflects the contents of the Census MAF/TIGER database at the time the TIGER/Line Shapefiles were created.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
Publication Date Unpublished
Publication Time
Title Census MAF/TIGER database
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media online
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation MAF/TIGER
Source Contribution The selected geographic and cartographic information (line segments) are derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database.
Process Step
Process Description TIGER/Line Shapefiles are extracted from the Census MAF/TIGER database by nation, state, county, and entity. Census MAF/TIGER data for all of the aforementioned geographic entities are then distributed among the shapefiles each containing attributes for line, polygon, or landmark geographic data.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation MAF/TIGER
Process Date 2010
Process Time
Process Contact
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Spatial Data Organization Information

Indirect Spatial Reference Method Eddy County (35015)
Direct Spatial Reference Method Vector
Point and Vector Object Information
SDTS Terms Description
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type G-polygon
Point and Vector Object Count 4
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial Reference
Name North American Datum of 1983 in the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Pacific Island Areas.
Code EPSG:4269
URL http://www.epsg-registry.org/export.htm?gml=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4269
Spatial Reference
Name Geodetic Reference System 80
Code EPSG:7019
URL http://www.epsg-registry.org/export.htm?gml=urn:ogc:def:ellipsoid:EPSG::7019
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Entity and Attribute Information

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type LabelCOUSUB10.shp
Entity Type Definition 2010 Census county subdivision County-based
Entity Type Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label STATEFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census state Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS.38-200x (R2004), Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 5-2)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label COUNTYFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census county Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS.31-200x (R2007), Codes for the Identification of the Counties and Equivalent Areas of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 6-4)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label COUSUBFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census county subdivision Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name Federal Information Processing Series Census Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and other Locational Entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (Formerly FIPS 55-3)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label COUSUBNS10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census county subdivision ANSI code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS 446-2008, (GNIS) Identifying Attributes for Named Physical and Cultural Geographic Features (Except Roads and Highways) of the United States, Its Territories, Outlying Areas, and Freely Associated Areas, and the Waters of the Same to the Limit of the Twelve-Mile Statutory Zone
Codeset Source U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Attribute Label GEOID10
Attribute Definition County subdivision identifier; a concatenation of 2010 Census state FIPS code, county FIPS code, and county subdivision FIPS code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS.38-200x (R2004), Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 5-2), INCITS.31-200x (R2007), Codes for the Identification of the Counties and Equivalent Areas of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 6-4), Federal Information Processing Series Census Codes for Named Populated Places, Primary County Divisions, and other Locational Entities of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (Formerly FIPS 55-3)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label NAME10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census county subdivision name
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name Refer to the online county subdivision gazetteer file at URL: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/gazette.html
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label NAMELSAD10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census name and the translated legal/statistical area description for county subdivision
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name Refer to the online county subdivision gazetteer file at URL: http://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/gazette.html and the legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision that appears in LSAD10
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label LSAD10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census legal/statistical area description code for county subdivision
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value 00
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Blank
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 20
Enumerated Domain Value Definition barrio
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 21
Enumerated Domain Value Definition borough
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 22
Enumerated Domain Value Definition census county division
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 23
Enumerated Domain Value Definition census subarea
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 24
Enumerated Domain Value Definition census subdistrict
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 25
Enumerated Domain Value Definition city
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 26
Enumerated Domain Value Definition county
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 27
Enumerated Domain Value Definition district
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 28
Enumerated Domain Value Definition District (prefix)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 29
Enumerated Domain Value Definition precinct
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 30
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Precinct (prefix)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 31
Enumerated Domain Value Definition gore
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 32
Enumerated Domain Value Definition grant
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 36
Enumerated Domain Value Definition location
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 39
Enumerated Domain Value Definition plantation
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 41
Enumerated Domain Value Definition barrio-pueblo
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 42
Enumerated Domain Value Definition purchase
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 43
Enumerated Domain Value Definition town
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 44
Enumerated Domain Value Definition township
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 45
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Township (prefix)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 46
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Unorganized Territory (UT)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 47
Enumerated Domain Value Definition village
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 49
Enumerated Domain Value Definition charter township
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value 86
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Reservation
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label CLASSFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 class code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value C2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An active incorporated place that is legally coextensive with an county subdivision but treated as independent of any county subdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value C5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An active incorporated place that is independent of any county subdivision and serves as a county subdivision equivalent
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value C7
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An incorporated place that is independent of any county
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A nonfunctioning county subdivision that is coextensive with a census designated place
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A statistical county subdivision that is coextensive with a census designated place
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A statistical county subdivision that is coextensive with a legal American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian area
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value T1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An active county subdivision that is not coextensive with an incorporated place
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value T2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An active county subdivision that is coextensive with a census designated place
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value T5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An active county subdivision that is coextensive with an incorporated place
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value T9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition An inactive county subdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z1
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A nonfunctioning countysubdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z2
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A county subdivision that is coextensive with an American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian area and legally is independent of any other county subdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z3
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A county subdivision defined as an unorganized territory
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z5
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A statistical county subdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z7
Enumerated Domain Value Definition A county subdivision that is coextensive with a county or equivalent feature or all or part of an incorporated place that the Census Bureau recognizes separately
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value Z9
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Area of a county or equivalent, generally in territorial sea, where no county subdivision exists.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label MTFCC10
Attribute Definition MAF/TIGER feature class code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value G4040
Enumerated Domain Value Definition County Subdivision
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label CNECTAFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census combined New England city and town area code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Range Domain
Range Domain Minimum 700
Range Domain Maximum 799
Attribute Units of Measure
Attribute Label NECTAFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census New England city and town area code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Range Domain
Range Domain Minimum 70000
Range Domain Maximum 79999
Attribute Units of Measure
Attribute Label NCTADVFP10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census New England city and town area division code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Range Domain
Range Domain Minimum 70004
Range Domain Maximum 79994
Attribute Units of Measure
Attribute Label FUNCSTAT10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census functional status
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value A
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Active government providing primary general-purpose functions
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value B
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Active government that is partially consolidated with another government but with separate officials providing primary general-purpose functions
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value C
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Active government consolidated with another government with a single set of officials
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value F
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Fictitious entity created to fill the Census Bureau geographic hierarchy
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value G
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Active government that is subordinate to another unit of government
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value I
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Inactive governmental unit that has the power to provide primary special-purpose functions
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value N
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Nonfunctioning legal entity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Statistical entity
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label ALAND10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census land area (square meters)
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value 0 to 9,999,999,999,999
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Blank
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label AWATER10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census water area (square meters)
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value 0 to 9,999,999,999,999
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Blank
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label INTPTLAT10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census latitude of the internal point
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value 00
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Blank
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label INTPTLON10
Attribute Definition 2010 Census longitude of the internal point
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value 00
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Blank
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
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Distribution Information

Resource Description Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability The material on this site is made available as a public service. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only and the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) and The University of New Mexico are not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Unless otherwise indicated in the documentation (metadata) for individual data sets, information on this site is public domain and may be copied without permission; citation of the source is appreciated.
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name ZIP
Transfer Size 1
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.original.zip
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name ESRI Shapefile (shp)
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.shp
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
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Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name GML
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.gml
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name KML
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.kml
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name GeoJSON
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.geojson
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name JSON
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.json
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name Comma Separated Values (csv)
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.csv
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name MS Excel format (xls)
Transfer Size 5
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/c0999ae1-34b5-4784-9cac-dffac25a7843/tl_2010_35035_cousub10.derived.xls
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Custom Order Process Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Technical Prerequisites Adequate computer capability is the only technical prerequisite for viewing data in digital form.
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Metadata Reference Information

Metadata Date 2024-10-04
Metadata Review Date
Metadata Future Review Date
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing and physical address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Contact Facsimile Telephone 505-277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 0800 - 1700 MT, M-F -7 hours GMT
Contact Instructions
Metadata Standard Name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention
Metadata Access Constraints
Metadata Use Constraints
Metadata Security Information
Security Classification System
Security Classification
Security Handling Description
Metadata Extensions
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