2013 FEMA Water Features
Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository
Identification Information
- Title 2013 FEMA Water Features
- Date 2013-03-18
- Date Type Publication
- Cited Responsible Party
- Organization Name Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Role identify
- Presentation Form vector digital data
- Abstract The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data incorporates all Digital Flood Insurance Rate
Map(DFIRM) databases published by FEMA, and any Letters Of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been
issued against those databases since their publication date. The DFIRM Database is the digital,
geospatial version of the flood hazard information shown on the published paper Flood Insurance Rate
Maps(FIRMs). The primary risk classifications used are the 1-percent-annual-chance flood event, the
0.2-percent-annual-chance flood event, and areas of minimal flood risk. The NFHL data are derived
from Flood Insurance Studies (FISs), previously published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), flood
hazard analyses performed in support of the FISs and FIRMs, and new mapping data where available.
The FISs and FIRMs are published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The
specifications for the horizontal control of DFIRM data are consistent with those required for
mapping at a scale of 1:12,000. The NFHL data contain layers in the Standard DFIRM datasets except
for S_Label_Pt and S_Label_Ld. The NFHL is available as State or US Territory data sets. Each State
or Territory data set consists of all DFIRMs and corresponding LOMRs available on the publication
date of the data set.
- Purpose The FIRM is the basis for floodplain management, mitigation, and insurance activities for
the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Insurance applications include enforcement of the
mandatory purchase requirement of the Flood Disaster Protection Act, which "... requires the
purchase of flood insurance by property owners who are being assisted by Federal programs or by
Federally supervised, regulated or insured agencies or institutions in the acquisition or
improvement of land facilities" (Section 2 (b) (4) of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973). In
addition to the identification of Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs), the risk zones shown on the
FIRMs are the basis for the establishment of premium rates for flood coverage offered through the
NFIP. The NFHL data present the flood risk information depicted on the FIRM in a digital format
suitable for use in electronic mapping applications. The NFHL database is a subset of the
information created for the FIS and serves as a means to archive a portion of the information
collected during the FIS.
- Status In work
- Point of Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Position Name
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 1-877-FEMA-MAP
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 500 C Street, S.W.
- City Washington
- Administrative Area District of Columbia
- Postal Code 20472
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address fema-mscservice@dhs.gov
- Maintenance and Update Frequency Monthly
- Descriptive Keywords DFIRM, FIRM, FEMA Flood Hazard Zone, DFIRM Database, Special Flood Hazard Area, Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map, CBRS, Coastal
Barrier Resources System, Riverine Flooding, Coastal Flooding, NFIP, Base Flood Elevation, SFHA, Flood Insurance Rate Map,
- Access Constraints None
- Use Constraints Acknowledgement of FEMA would be appreciated in products derived from these
- Language English
- Topic Category environment
- Extent
- Geographic Bounding Box
- West Bound -109.047518
- East Bound -103.042787
- North Bound 37.000191
- South Bound 31.783536
- Temporal Extent
- DateTime 2013-02-06
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Distribution Information
- Distributor
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
- Transfer Options
- Online Resource ZIP
- Online Resource ESRI Shapefile (shp)
- Online Resource GML
- Online Resource KML
- Online Resource GeoJSON
- Online Resource JSON
- Online Resource Comma Separated Values (csv)
- Online Resource MS Excel format (xls)
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Spatial Reference Information
- Spatial References
- Spatial Reference North American Datum of 1983
- Online Reference EPSG:4269
- Spatial Reference Geodetic Reference System 80
- Online Reference EPSG:7019
- Spatial Reference Mixed
- Online Reference EDAC:Unknown
- Indirect Spatial Reference New Mexico
- Geometric Object Type String
- Geometric Object Count 69604
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Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Report The National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL) data incorporates all Digital Flood Insurance Rate
Map(DFIRM) databases published by FEMA, and any Letters Of Map Revision (LOMRs) that have been
issued against those databases since their publication date. The DFIRM Database consists of
community based vector files and associated attributes produced in conjunction with the hard copy
FEMA FIRM. The published effective FIRM and DFIRM maps are issued as the official designation of the
Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs). As such they are adopted by local communities and form the basis
for administration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). For these purposes they are
authoritative. Provisions exist in the regulations for public review, appeals and corrections of the
flood risk information shown to better match real world conditions. As with any engineering analysis
of this type, variation from the estimated flood heights and floodplain boundaries is possible.
Details of FEMA's requirements for the FISs and flood mapping process that produces these data are
available in the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Attribute accuracy
was tested by manual comparison of source graphics with hardcopy plots and a symbolized display on
an interactive computer graphic system. Independent quality control testing of FEMA's DFIRM
databases was also performed. To obtain more detailed information in areas where Base Flood
Elevations (BFEs) and/or floodways have been determined, users are encouraged to consult the Flood
Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevations tables contained within the FIS
report that accompanies the individual components of the DFIRM data. Users should be aware that BFEs
shown in the S_BFE table represent rounded whole-foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood
insurance rating purposes only and should not be used as the sole source of flood elevation
information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS report must be used in
conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of construction and/or floodplain management. The
1-percent-annual-chance water-surface elevations shown in the S_XS table match the regulatory
elevations shown in the FIS report.
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Attribute Accuracy Value
- Attribute Accuracy Explanation
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Report The National Flood Hazard Layer data consists of community based vector files and
associated attributes produced in conjunction with the hardcopy FEMA FIRM. The published effective
FIRM and DFIRM maps are issued as the official designation of the SFHAs. As such they are adopted by
local communities and form the basis for administration of the NFIP. For these purposes they are
authoritative. Provisions exist in the regulations for public review, appeals and corrections of the
flood risk information shown to better match real world conditions. As with any engineering analysis
of this type, variation from the estimated flood heights and floodplain boundaries is possible.
Details of FEMA's requirements for the FISs and flood mapping process that produces these data are
available in the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Horizontal
accuracy was tested by manual comparison of source graphics with hardcopy plots and a symbolized
display on an interactive computer graphic system. Independent quality control testing of the
individual DFIRM data sets was also performed.
- Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Report
- Report The National Flood Hazard Layer data consists of community based vector files and
associated attributes produced in conjunction with the hardcopy FEMA FIRM. The published effective
FIRM and DFIRM maps are issued as the official designation of the SFHAs. As such they are adopted by
local communities and form the basis for administration of the NFIP. For these purposes they are
authoritative. Provisions exist in the regulations for public review, appeals and corrections of the
flood risk information shown to better match real world conditions. As with any engineering analysis
of this type, variation from the estimated flood heights and floodplain boundaries is possible.
Details of FEMA's requirements for the FISs and flood mapping process that produces these data are
available in the Guidelines and Specifications for Flood Hazard Mapping Partners. Vertical accuracy
was tested by manual comparison of source graphics with hardcopy plots and a symbolized display on
an interactive computer graphic system. Independent quality control testing of the individual DFIRM
data sets was also performed.
- Quantitative Vertical Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Value
- Vertical Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Logical Consistency Report When FEMA revises an FIS, adjacent studies are checked to ensure agreement between flood
elevations at the boundaries. Likewise flood elevations at the confluence of streams studied
independently are checked to ensure agreement at the confluence. The FIRM and the FIS are developed
together and care is taken to ensure that the elevations and other features shown on the flood
profiles in the FIS agree with the information shown on the FIRM. However, the elevations as shown
on the FIRM are rounded whole-foot elevations. They must be shown so that a profile recreated from
the elevations on the FIRM will match the FIS profiles within one half of one foot.
- Completeness Report Information contained in the National Flood Hazard Layer data reflects the content of the
source materials. Features may have been eliminated or generalized on the source graphic, due to
scale and legibility constraints. With new mapping, FEMA plans to maintain full detail in the
spatial data it produces. However, older information is often transferred from existing maps where
some generalization has taken place. Flood risk data are developed for communities participating in
the NFIP for use in insurance rating and for floodplain management. Flood hazard areas are
determined using statistical analyses of records of river flow, storm tides, and rainfall;
information obtained through consultation with the communities; floodplain topographic surveys; and
hydrological and hydraulic analysis. Both detailed and approximate analyses are employed. Generally,
detailed analyses are used to generate flood risk data only for developed or developing areas of
communities. For areas where little or no development is expected to occur, FEMA uses approximate
analyses to generate flood risk data. Typically, only drainage areas that are greater than one
square mile are studied. The National Flood Hazard Layer data reflects the most current information
available when the distribution data set was created.
- Lineage
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator
- Type of Source Media digital tape media
- Source Time Period of Content
- DateTime 2013-02-06
- Source Currentness Reference Available effective DFIRMs and LOMRs issued against those DFIRMs.
- Source Citation Abbreviation NFHL
- Source Contribution Spatial and attribute information, floodplain widths, BFEs, floodplain
- Process Step
- Process Description The individual components of the National Flood Hazard Layer data are compiled in
conjunction with the hardcopy FIRM and the final FIS report. The specifics of the hydrologic and
hydraulic analyses performed are detailed in the FIS reports available for each community. The
results of these studies are submitted in digital format to FEMA. These data and unrevised data from
effective FIRMs are compiled onto the base map used for DFIRM publication and checked for accuracy
and compliance with FEMA standards. As new DFIRM data sets are received the individual DFIRM layers
are sewn into the nationwide layers of the NFHL. LOMRs for the DFIRMs in the NFHL are cut directly
into the NFHL data layers as they are being produced and finalized.
- Process Date 2013-02-06
- Process Time
- Process Contact
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Metadata Reference Information
- File Identifier b1bfd5b7-328b-47e4-a5d9-b67057ef9536
- Metadata Language English
- Hierarchy Level Dataset
- Date Stamp 2025-03-13
- Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
- Metadata Standard Version 1.0
- Metadata Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
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