Shiprock, AZ NM CO UT 1:250,000 Quad USGS Land Use/Land Cover, 1986

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Title Shiprock, AZ NM CO UT 1:250,000 Quad USGS Land Use/Land Cover, 1986
Date 2009-02-19
Date Type Publication
Cited Responsible Party
Organization Name U.S. Geological Survey
Role identify
Presentation Form vector digital data
Abstract This dataset contains boundaries for land use and land cover polygons in New Mexico at a scale of 1:250,000. It is in a vector digital data structure. The source software was Optional DLG-3 and the conversion software was ARC/INFO 6.1.2. For documentation refer to USGS Data Users Guide 4, National Mapping Program, Technical Instructions, 1986, Reston, VA. These data are processed in 1:250,000 scale map units, therefore file size varies for each map unit. chaco Mesa was processed at 1:100,000 scale.
Purpose This dataset was created to digitally represent the areas of various land uses and land cover types in New Mexico. Examples of land uses are residential, industrial, transportation, cropland, and pasture. Examples of land cover are evergreen forest, lakes, wetlands, dry salt flats, and tundra. Intended use of data These data are typically used as base data for other coverages. They are also intended for use with remote sensor data.
Supplemental Information See documentation listed in references. Revisions made to data Unknown Reviews applied to data Unknown Related spatial and tabular data sets and programs Unknown References cited U.S.G.S. 1986, Land Use and Land Cover Digital Data from 1:250,000- and 1:100,000-Scale Maps, National Mapping Program, Technical Instructions, Data Users Guide 4. Notes Most files from the Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) Clearinghouse are $45.00 each, plus $25.00 media Charge (tapes, cartridges, etc.). The media charge may be waived if the purchaser provides the media. CD-ROM's containing all New Mexico coverages in the RGIS Clearinghouse can be purchased for $150 each or $400 for the complete set.
Status Complete
Point of Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysi Center (EDAC)
Position Name Geographic Data Service Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice (505) 277-3622
Facsimile (505) 277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area New Mexico
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address
Maintenance and Update Frequency Unknown
Descriptive Keywords Land Use / Land Cover
Access Constraints none
Use Constraints Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) program assumes no liability for the misuse of the data. Data should be used at the scale for which they were intended. No warranty expressed or implied is made by Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) regarding the utility of the data on any other systems nor shall the act of distribution constitute such warranty.
Language English
Topic Category
Geographic Bounding Box
West Bound -110.0
East Bound -108.0
North Bound 37.0
South Bound 36.0
Temporal Extent
DateTime 1986-01-01
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Distribution Information

Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address
Transfer Options
Online Resource ZIP
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial References
Spatial Reference D_Clarke_1866
Online Reference EPSG:7008
Spatial Reference Clarke 1866
Online Reference EPSG:7008
Indirect Spatial Reference Unknown
Geometric Object Type G-polygon String GT-polygon composed of chains
Geometric Object Count 1742 5344 2598
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Data Quality Information

Attribute Accuracy Report
Report None
Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
Attribute Accuracy Value
Attribute Accuracy Explanation
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
Report None
Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
Logical Consistency Report Polygon topology present.
Completeness Report See Data Set Description Section
Process Step
Process Description Obtained data from USGS to add to RGIS
Process Date 2002
Process Time
Process Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name GIS Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address
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Metadata Reference Information

File Identifier ad3856c3-67c1-4db9-8cdd-343cb78d170e
Metadata Language English
Hierarchy Level Dataset
Date Stamp 2024-10-05
Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
Metadata Standard Version 1.0
Metadata Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address
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