Lincoln County 2010 Census Roads

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Citation Information
Originator U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
Publication Date 2011-06-06
Publication Time 15:00:59
Title Lincoln County 2010 Census Roads
Geospatial Data Presentation Form vector digital data
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
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Larger Work Citation
Abstract The TIGER/Line Files are shapefiles and related database files (.dbf) that are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File / Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) Database (MTDB). The MTDB represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between parts, however, each TIGER/Line File is designed to stand alone as an independent data set, or they can be combined to cover the entire nation. The All Roads Shapefile includes all features within the MTDB Super Class "Road/Path Features" distinguished where the MAF/TIGER Feature Classification Code (MTFCC) for the feature in MTDB tha begin with "S". This includes all primary, secondary, local neighborhood, and rural roads, city streets, vehicular trails (4wd), ramps, service drives, alleys, parking lot roads, private roads for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.), bike paths or trails, bridle/horse paths, walkways/pedestrian trails, and stairways.
Purpose In order for others to use the information in the Census MAF/TIGER database in a geographic information system (GIS) or for other geographic applications, the Census Bureau releases to the public extracts of the database in the form of TIGER/Line Shapefiles.
Time Period of Content
Range of Dates/Times
Beginning Date 2010-01
Ending Date 2010-07
Currentness Reference publication date
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency TIGER/Line Shapefiles are extracted from the Census MAF/TIGER database. No changes or updates will be made to this version of the TIGER/Line Shapefiles. Future releases of TIGER/Line Shapefiles will reflect updates made to the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate -106.373566
East Bounding Coordinate -104.884868
North Bounding Coordinate 34.34727
South Bounding Coordinate 33.132196
Thesaurus None
Keyword County or equivalent entity
Keyword Linear Feature
Keyword Address Range
Keyword Street Centerline
Keyword Road Feature
Keyword Roads
Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Keyword transportation
Thesaurus INCITS.38-200x (R2004),INCITS.31-200x (R2007),INCITS.454-200x,INCITS 455-200x,INCITS 446-2008
Keyword United States
Keyword U.S.
Keyword County or Equivalent Entity
Keyword Lincoln
Keyword 35027
Access Constraints None
Use Constraints The TIGER/Line Shapefile products are not copyrighted however TIGER/Line and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the U.S. Census Bureau. These products are free to use in a product or publication, however acknowledgement must be given to the U.S. Census Bureau as the source. The horizontal spatial accuracy information present in these files is provided for the purposes of statistical analysis and census operations only. No warranty, expressed or implied is made with regard to the accuracy of the spatial accuracy, and no liability is assumed by the U.S. Government in general or the U.S. Census Bureau, specifically as to the spatial or attribute accuracy of the data. The TIGER/Line Shapefiles may not be suitable for high-precision measurement applications such as engineering problems, property transfers, or other uses that might require highly accurate measurements of the earth's surface.Coordinates in the TIGER/Line shapefiles have six implied decimal places, but the positional accuracy of these coordinates is not as great as the six decimal places suggest. The data are free from Title 13 restrictions.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division, Geographic Products Branch
Contact Person
Contact Position
Contact Address
Address Type Mailing address
Address 4600 Silver Hill Road, Stop 7400
City Washington
State or Province DC
Postal Code 20233-7400
Country United States
Contact Voice Telephone 301-763-1128
Contact Facsimile Telephone 301-763-4710
Contact Electronic Mail Address
Hours of Service
Contact Instructions
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Data Quality Information

Attribute Accuracy Report
Report Accurate against Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), FIPS Publication 6-4, and FIPS-55 at the 100% level for the codes and base names. The remaining attribute information has been examined but has not been fully tested for accuracy.
Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
Attribute Accuracy Value
Attribute Accuracy Explanation
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
Report The Census Bureau uses Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates at road centerline intersections to evaluate the horizontal spatial accuracy of source files that may be used to realign road features in the MAF/TIGER database and test the horizontal spatial accuracy of the road features in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles. The test compares a survey-grade GPS coordinate to its associated road centerline intersection in the TIGER/Line Shapefiles. The test is based on an independent collection of GPS coordinates for a random sample of road intersections from a centerline file that meet certain criteria. The points are referred to as the sample points and are gathered through a private contractor working for the Census Bureau. Since the collection method uses survey-quality GPS-based field techniques, the resulting control points are considered 'ground truth' against which the TIGER road centerline intersection coordinates are compared. The distances between the coordinates are calculated and the Census Bureau determines the Circular Error 95% (CE95). That is, the accuracy of the file in meters with 95% confidence. The CE95 can be calculated from the mean and standard deviation by using the formula: mean of differences plus (2.65 times the standard deviation). CE95 results reported for each file tested are determined using a spreadsheet with embedded statistical formula. The use and applicability of the spreadsheet and its embedded formula have been verified by Census Bureau statisticians. The basis of the calculation is the use of the root mean square error (RMSE). This is the method as stated in the U.S. Government's Federal Geographic Data Committee Standard FGDC-STD-007.3-1998, Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards. Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy. The results of using this measure of accuracy are in compliance with Federal Spatial Data requirements. In terms of the Census Bureau application, the dataset coordinate values are those taken from the centerline file and the coordinate values from an independent source of higher accuracy are those acquired through the Census Bureau's contractor. Please note that the horizontal spatial accuracy, where reported, refers only to the realigned road features identified as matched to the positionally accurate source file with that accuracy. It is not the spatial accuracy of the TIGER/Line Shapefile as a whole.
Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value 4.517 6.99
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation The Census Bureau uses root mean square error (RMSE) as stated in the FGDC-STD-007. 3-1998, Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy. The Census Bureau uses root mean square error (RMSE) as stated in the FGDC-STD-007. 3-1998, Geospatial Positioning Accuracy Standards, Part 3: National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy.
Logical Consistency Report There may be some inconsistencies in feature names along features. An anomaly exists with the sporadic occurrence of road segments comprising a complete chain with different MAF/TIGER Feature Census Class Code (MTFCC) values assigned. This problem could affect applications that use the MTFCC values for network analysis, routing, or for assigning symbology to a feature when creating a map. The Census Bureau performed automated tests to ensure logical consistency and limits of shapefiles. Node/geometry and topology relationships are collected or generated to satisfy topological edit requirements. These requirements include: (1) Complete chains must begin and end at nodes. (2) Complete chains must connect to each other at nodes. (3) Complete chains do not extend through nodes. (4) Left and right polygons are defined for each complete chain element and are consistent throughout the extract process. (5) The chains representing the limits of the files are free of gaps.
Completeness Report Data completeness of the TIGER/Line Shapefiles reflects the contents of the Census MAF/TIGER database at the time the TIGER/Line Shapefiles were created.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division
Publication Date Unpublished
Publication Time
Title Census MAF/TIGER database
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media online
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation MAF/TIGER
Source Contribution The selected geographic and cartographic information (line segments) are derived from the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator 4448 Harris Corporation
Publication Date Unknown
Publication Time
Title Lincoln Co. NM - From NAIP
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Unknown
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference Unknown
Source Citation Abbreviation Lincoln
Source Contribution Coordinates to realign selected road features in the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator 4449 USGS - National Hydrography Dataset Coordination and Requirements (C&R)
Publication Date Unknown
Publication Time
Title National Hydrography Dataset - High Res.
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Internet Download
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference Unknown
Source Citation Abbreviation National
Source Contribution Coordinates to realign selected hydrographic features in the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator 5793 Harris Corporation
Publication Date Unknown
Publication Time
Title Socorro Co., NM - Harris Centerline
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Unknown
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference Unknown
Source Citation Abbreviation Socorro
Source Contribution Coordinates to realign selected road features in the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator 7190 Census Bureau - Geography Division US Census Bureau - Geo Div - LFGPB
Publication Date Unknown
Publication Time
Title 2010 ADCAN GPS Feature Updates
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Unknown
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference Unknown
Source Citation Abbreviation 2010
Source Contribution Coordinates to realign selected road features in the Census MAF/TIGER database.
Process Step
Process Description TIGER/Line Shapefiles are extracted from the Census MAF/TIGER database by nation, state, county, and entity. Census MAF/TIGER data for all of the aforementioned geographic entities are then distributed among the shapefiles each containing attributes for line, polygon, or landmark geographic data.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation MAF/TIGER
Process Date 2010
Process Time
Process Contact
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Spatial Data Organization Information

Indirect Spatial Reference Method Socorro County (35053)
Direct Spatial Reference Method Vector
Point and Vector Object Information
SDTS Terms Description
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type Complete chain
Point and Vector Object Count 11831
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial Reference
Name North American Datum of 1983 in the 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the Pacific Island Areas.
Code EPSG:4269
Spatial Reference
Name Geodetic Reference System 80
Code EPSG:7019
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Entity and Attribute Information

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type LabelROADS.shp
Entity Type Definition All Roads County-based
Entity Type Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label STATEFP
Attribute Definition Current state Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS.38-200x (R2004), Codes for the Identification of the States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 5-2)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label COUNTYFP
Attribute Definition Current county Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Codeset Domain
Codeset Name INCITS.31-200x (R2007), Codes for the Identification of the Counties and Equivalent Areas of the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Insular Areas of the United States (Formerly FIPS 6-4)
Codeset Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label LINEARID
Attribute Definition Linear feature identifier
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain data are unavailable
Attribute Label FULLNAME
Attribute Definition Concatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain data are unavailable
Attribute Label RTTYP
Attribute Definition Route type code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value C
Enumerated Domain Value Definition County
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value I
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Insterstate
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value M
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Common Name
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value O
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Other
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau Enumerated_Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value S
Enumerated Domain Value Definition State recognized
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value U
Enumerated Domain Value Definition U.S.
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Label MTFCC
Attribute Definition MAF/TIGER feature class code
Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value S1100
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Primary Road
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1200
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Secondary Road
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1400
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Local Neighborhood Road, Rural Road, City Street
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1500
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Vehicular Trail (4WD)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census
Enumerated Domain Value S1630
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Ramp
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1640
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Service Drive usually along a limited access highway
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census
Enumerated Domain Value S1710
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Walkway/Pedestrian Trail
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1720
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Stairway
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1730
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Alley
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census
Enumerated Domain Value S1740
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Private Road for service vehicles (logging, oil fields, ranches, etc.)
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1750
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Private Driveway
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census
Enumerated Domain Value S1780
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Parking Lot Road
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1820
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Bike Path or Trail
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
Enumerated Domain Value S1830
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Bridle Path
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census
Enumerated Domain Value S2000
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Road Median
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
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Distribution Information

Resource Description Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability The material on this site is made available as a public service. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only and the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) and The University of New Mexico are not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Unless otherwise indicated in the documentation (metadata) for individual data sets, information on this site is public domain and may be copied without permission; citation of the source is appreciated.
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
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Format Name ZIP
Transfer Size 3
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Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (
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Digital Form
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Format Name ESRI Shapefile (shp)
Transfer Size 25
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Format Name GML
Transfer Size 25
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Format Name KML
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Digital Form
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Format Name GeoJSON
Transfer Size 25
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Format Name JSON
Transfer Size 25
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Digital Form
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Format Name Comma Separated Values (csv)
Transfer Size 25
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Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name MS Excel format (xls)
Transfer Size 25
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Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at
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Technical Prerequisites Adequate computer capability is the only technical prerequisite for viewing data in digital form.
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Metadata Reference Information

Metadata Date 2024-10-04
Metadata Review Date
Metadata Future Review Date
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing and physical address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Contact Facsimile Telephone 505-277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address
Hours of Service 0800 - 1700 MT, M-F -7 hours GMT
Contact Instructions
Metadata Standard Name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention
Metadata Access Constraints
Metadata Use Constraints
Metadata Security Information
Security Classification System
Security Classification
Security Handling Description
Metadata Extensions
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