Taos County 1990 Census Tracts

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Citation Information
Originator Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC)
Publication Date 2009-02-16
Publication Time 00:00:00
Title Taos County 1990 Census Tracts
Geospatial Data Presentation Form vector digital data
Publication Information
Publication Place Albuquerque, NM, USA
Publisher Earth Data Analysis Center
Other Citation Details
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/tlf355shp.original.zip
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/metadata/FGDC-STD-001-1998.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/metadata/FGDC-STD-001-1998.html
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/metadata/ISO-19115:2003.xml
Online Linkage https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/metadata/ISO-19115:2003.html
Larger Work Citation
Abstract This data set is a vector polygon digital data structure taken from the Census Bureau's TIGER/Line Files, 1994, for New Mexico. The source software used was ARC/INFO 7.0.3
Purpose Projects utilizing geographic data of New Mexico. Intended use of data Provide geographic information for census tracts of New Mexico.
Time Period of Content
Single Date/Time
Calendar Date 1994-01-01
Currentness Reference Publication date of sources
Progress Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed
Spatial Domain
Bounding Coordinates
West Bounding Coordinate -106.057786
East Bounding Coordinate -105.199559
North Bounding Coordinate 36.995995
South Bounding Coordinate 36.012986
Thesaurus none
Keyword New Mexico TIGER/Line Files
Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Categories
Keyword boundaries
Thesaurus none
Keyword New Mexico
Keyword Taos County
Access Constraints none
Use Constraints None. Resource Geographic Information System Program (RGIS) assumes no liability for the misuse of the data. Data should be used at the scale for which it was intended.
Point of Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
Native Data Set Environment Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog
Cross Reference
Citation Information
Originator Bureau of the Census
Publication Date 1994-01-01
Publication Time
Title Census Tracts, Taos County, New Mexico
Geospatial Data Presentation Form map
Publication Information
Publication Place Washington, DC, USA
Publisher Data Users Services Division
Other Citation Details
Online Linkage n/a
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Data Quality Information

Attribute Accuracy Report
Report See Entity_Attribute_Information
Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
Attribute Accuracy Value See Explanation
Attribute Accuracy Explanation Accuracy is described, where present, with each attribute defined in the Entity and Attribute Section.
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
Report unknown
Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value 30
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation Resolution as reported
Logical Consistency Report Point features present.
Completeness Report See Data Set Description Section
Source Information
Source Citation
Citation Information
Originator U.S. Census Bureau
Publication Date 1994
Publication Time
Title Census Tracts, Taos County, New Mexico
Geospatial Data Presentation Form
Publication Information
Publication Place
Other Citation Details
Source Scale Denominator 100000
Type of Source Media map
Source Time Period of Content
Source Currentness Reference Unknown
Source Citation Abbreviation Unknown
Source Contribution Unknown
Process Step
Process Description Dissolve coverage on polygons. Project coverage. Build coverage. Rename coverage.
Process Date 1996-02-28
Process Time
Process Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
Process Step
Process Description Copy coverage. Check labelerrors. Create metadata
Process Date 1996-03-01
Process Time
Process Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
Process Step
Process Description Create metadata. Copy info.
Process Date 1996-03-06
Process Time
Process Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
Process Step
Process Description Import coverage. Project coverage. Rename coverage. Export coverage. Make shapefile from coverage.
Process Date 1996-06-19
Process Time
Process Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
Contact Instructions
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Spatial Data Organization Information

Indirect Spatial Reference Method Rio Arriba County (35039)
Direct Spatial Reference Method Vector
Point and Vector Object Information
SDTS Terms Description
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type G-polygon
Point and Vector Object Count 10
SDTS Terms Description
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type String
Point and Vector Object Count 287
SDTS Terms Description
SDTS Point and Vector Object Type GT-polygon composed of chains
Point and Vector Object Count 111
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial Reference
Name D_Clarke_1866
Code EPSG:7008
URL http://www.epsg-registry.org/export.htm?gml=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::7008
Spatial Reference
Name Clarke 1866
Code EPSG:7008
URL http://www.epsg-registry.org/export.htm?gml=urn:ogc:def:ellipsoid:EPSG::7008
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Entity and Attribute Information

Detailed Description
Entity Type
Entity Type Labeltlf03055
Entity Type Definition Attribute table of tlf03001
Entity Type Definition Source Bureau of the Census TIGER/Line Files
Attribute Label FID
Attribute Definition Internal feature number.
Attribute Definition Source ESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
Attribute Label Shape
Attribute Definition Feature geometry.
Attribute Definition Source ESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Unrepresentable Domain Coordinates defining the features.
Attribute Label TRACT
Attribute Definition See: TIGER/Line Files, 1994 Technical Documentation/Bureau of the Census
Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value -
Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
Attribute Label AREA
Attribute Definition Area of poly/region in square coverage units
Attribute Definition Source Computed
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value Positive real numbers
Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
Attribute Label PERIMETER
Attribute Definition Perimeter of poly/region in coverage units
Attribute Definition Source Computed
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value Positive real numbers
Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
Attribute Label TLF03055_
Attribute Definition Internal feature number
Attribute Definition Source ESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value Sequential unique positive integer
Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
Attribute Label TLF03055_I
Attribute Definition User-assigned feature number
Attribute Definition Source ESRI
Attribute Domain Values
Enumerated Domain
Enumerated Domain Value Integer
Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview Please see: TIGER/Line Files, 1994 Technical Documentation/prepared by the Bureau of the Census. Washington, DC: The Bureau, 1994.
Entity and Attribute Detail Citation Not Available
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Distribution Information

Resource Description Downloadable Data
Distribution Liability The material on this site is made available as a public service. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only and the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) and The University of New Mexico are not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Unless otherwise indicated in the documentation (metadata) for individual data sets, information on this site is public domain and may be copied without permission; citation of the source is appreciated.
Standard Order Process
Digital Form
Digital Transfer Information
Format Name ZIP
Transfer Size 1
Digital Transfer Option
Online Option
Computer Contact Information
Network Address
Network Resource Name https://gstore.unm.edu/apps/rgisarchive/datasets/4590b9a6-20d0-4612-877b-89cca28e5edd/tlf355shp.original.zip
Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at http://rgis.unm.edu.
Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (http://rgis.unm.edu).
Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Custom Order Process Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Technical Prerequisites Adequate computer capability is the only technical prerequisite for viewing data in digital form.
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Metadata Reference Information

Metadata Date 2024-09-26
Metadata Review Date
Metadata Future Review Date
Metadata Contact
Contact Information
Contact Person Primary
Contact Person
Contact Organization
Contact Organization Primary
Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
Contact Person
Contact Position Clearinghouse Manager
Contact Address
Address Type mailing and physical address
Address MSC01 1110
Address 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
State or Province NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Contact Voice Telephone 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Contact Facsimile Telephone 505-277-3614
Contact Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Hours of Service 0800 - 1700 MT, M-F -7 hours GMT
Contact Instructions
Metadata Standard Name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version FGDC-STD-001-1998
Metadata Time Convention
Metadata Access Constraints
Metadata Use Constraints
Metadata Security Information
Security Classification System
Security Classification
Security Handling Description
Metadata Extensions
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