NM GPS Roads

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Title NM GPS Roads
Date 2012-08-27
Date Type Publication
Cited Responsible Party
Organization Name NM Department of Transportation
Role identify
Presentation Form vector digital data
Abstract This dataset contains a vector digital representation of all interstate highways, all US highways, most of the state highways, and some county roads in New Mexico.
Purpose These data are typically used as base data for other coverages. The data are intended for use as a general reference to the extent and location of Highways and Interstates in New Mexico.
Status Complete
Point of Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name NM Department of Transportation
Position Name
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-827-5100
Delivery Point 1120 Cerrillos Rd.
Delivery Point P.O. Box 1149
City Santa Fe
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87504-1149
Electronic Mail Address webmasterHTD@state.nm.us
Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed
Descriptive Keywords roads
Access Constraints None
Use Constraints None
Language English
Topic Category transportation
Geographic Bounding Box
West Bound -109.039649
East Bound -103.027231
North Bound 36.977276
South Bound 31.952345
Temporal Extent
DateTime 2012
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Distribution Information

Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Transfer Options
Online Resource ZIP
Online Resource ESRI Shapefile (shp)
Online Resource GML
Online Resource KML
Online Resource GeoJSON
Online Resource JSON
Online Resource Comma Separated Values (csv)
Online Resource MS Excel format (xls)
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial References
Spatial Reference North American Datum of 1983
Online Reference EPSG:4269
Spatial Reference Geodetic Reference System 80
Online Reference EPSG:7019
Spatial Reference Universal Transverse Mercator, 13
Online Reference EPSG:26713
Indirect Spatial Reference United States
Geometric Object Type String
Geometric Object Count 18981
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Data Quality Information

Logical Consistency Report Unknown
Completeness Report Complete
Process Step
Process Description Unknown
Process Date Unknown
Process Time
Process Contact
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Metadata Reference Information

File Identifier 2f4ccda4-a76e-4df0-849e-ee51dbfec492
Metadata Language English
Hierarchy Level Dataset
Date Stamp 2024-09-12
Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
Metadata Standard Version 1.0
Metadata Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
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