GNIS Buildings:
Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository
Identification Information
- Title GNIS Buildings:
- Date 2009-03-11
- Date Type Publication
- Cited Responsible Party
- Organization Name U.S. Geological Survey
- Role identify
- Presentation Form vector digital data
- Abstract The Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) actively seeks data from and
partnerships with Government agencies at all levels and other interested
organizations. The GNIS is the Federal standard for geographic nomenclature. The
U.S. Geological Survey developed the GNIS for the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, a
Federal inter-agency body chartered by public law to maintain uniform feature name
usage throughout the Government and to promulgate standard names to the public. The
GNIS is the official repository of domestic geographic names data; the official
vehicle for geographic names use by all departments of the Federal Government; and
the source for applying geographic names to Federal electronic and printed products
of all types. See for additional information.
- Purpose The Geographic Names Information System contains information about physical and
cultural geographic features of all types in the United States, associated areas,
and Antarctica, current and historical, but not including roads and highways. The
database holds the Federally recognized name of each feature and defines the feature
location by state, county, USGS topographic map, and geographic coordinates. Other
attributes include names or spellings other than the official name, feature
designations, feature classification, historical and descriptive information, and
for some categories the geometric boundaries. The database assigns a unique,
permanent feature identifier, the Feature ID, as a standard Federal key for
accessing, integrating, or reconciling feature data from multiple data sets. The
GNIS collects data from a broad program of partnerships with Federal, State, and
local government agencies and other authorized contributors. The GNIS provides data
to all levels of government and to the public, as well as to numerous applications
through a web query site, web map and feature services, file download services, and
customized files upon request.
- Supplemental Information The U.S. Board on Geographic Names was created in 1890 and established in its
present form by Public Law in 1947 to establish and maintain uniform geographic name
usage throughout the Federal Government. The Board serves all government agencies
and the public as the central authority to which name inquiries, name issues, and
new name proposals can be directed. It is comprised of representatives of Federal
agencies associated with land management and cartography. Sharing its
responsibilities with the Secretary of the Interior, the Board develops principles,
policies, and procedures governing the use of both domestic and foreign geographic
names as well as undersea and Antarctic feature names.
- Data Set Credit The Geographic Names Information System was developed by the U.S. Geological
Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.
- Status In work
- Point of Contact
- Individual Name Roger L. Payne
- Organization Name
- Position Name Chief, Geographic Names Project
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 703 648 4544
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 523 National Center
- City Reston
- Administrative Area Virginia
- Postal Code 20192
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Maintenance and Update Frequency As needed
- Descriptive Keywords location, environment, imageryBaseMapsEarthCover, transportation, Feature identification, Geographic feature, Geographical
feature, Geographic name, Geographical name, Feature name, Official feature name, Place name, Variant name, Feature coordinates,
Feature state, Feature county, Feature class, Feature history, Feature description, Feature designation, building
- Access Constraints None
- Use Constraints None. Acknowledgement of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated in
products derived from these data.
- Language English
- Topic Category location
- Extent
- Geographic Bounding Box
- West Bound -109.0362035
- East Bound -103.0054836
- North Bound 36.9961341
- South Bound 31.3339961
- Temporal Extent
- Beginning Position 1974
- Ending Position 2008-12-31
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Distribution Information
- Distributor
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Transfer Options
- Online Resource ZIP
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Spatial Reference Information
- Spatial References
- Spatial Reference North American Datum of 1983
- Online Reference EPSG:4269
- Spatial Reference Geodetic Reference System 80
- Online Reference EPSG:7019
- Indirect Spatial Reference New Mexico (35)
- Geometric Object Type Entity point Area point Node, planar graph Complete chain GT-polygon composed of chains
- Geometric Object Count 4916 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
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Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Report During Phase I data compilation, a random sample of 10% of the entries in the
system were visually verified against the compilation source data (large-scale USGS
topographic maps) to ensure an accuracy rate of at least 95%. Subsequent data
compilation and input processes ensure accuracy with programmed validation checks
for format and content, visual examination, and spot checks of data.
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Attribute Accuracy Value
- Attribute Accuracy Explanation
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Report Accuracy of these digital data is based upon the use of printed or
electronic source graphics which are compiled to meet National Map Accuracy
Standards. Comparison to the graphic source is used as control to assess digital
positional accuracy.
- Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Logical Consistency Report During Phase I data compilation, a random sample of 10% of the entries in the system
were visually verified against the compilation source data (large-scale USGS topographic
maps) to ensure logical consistency of locative references (geographic coordinates,
topographic map, and county. Subsequent data compilation and input processes include
programmed validation checks for logical consistency, visual examination, and spot
checks of data.
- Completeness Report This dataset contains information about United States physical and cultural
geographic features of all types and classes, with the exception of most roads and
highways. Subsequent to the original data compilation process, which was taken primarily
from Federal maps, the GNIS has become dependent on input from Federal, State, county,
and local government agencies and other approved sources. The completeness, currency,
and accuracy of the data varies by area depending on the quality and timeliness of that
input. Accordingly, the Geographic Names Project actively seeks to expand partnerships
with Government agencies at all levels and other interested organizations. The latest
tools and methodologies are being applied, including web map and feature services, and
joint or linked web applications, to ensure that local data are properly represented in
the GNIS and through the GNIS to all Federal agencies and to the public. Feature
additions or corrections are accepted for consideration from any source, and when
validated by appropriate agencies, will be entered into the database. Local and State
agencies are encouraged to submit data and to participate in the GNIS partnership
program. Non-government organizations with valuable data are considered on a case basis.
Authorized partners have access to web based transaction entry and edit forms, which
submit data directly to the GNIS for review and inclusion in the database. Partners also
submit batch files in most standard formats, and coordinate with the Geographic Names
Project to develop joint services, processes, and applications for greatest efficiency.
Data entered into the GNIS immediately is available to all web services and applications
dependent on it. For additional information or to request user accounts for entry and
edit of production data and web seminar training, contact
- Lineage
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator 24000
- Type of Source Media paper
- Source Time Period of Content
- Beginning Position Unknown
- Ending Position Present
- Source Currentness Reference publication date
- Source Citation Abbreviation USGS
- Source Contribution Feature names and attribute data.
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator
- Type of Source Media card, paper, and electronic files
- Source Time Period of Content
- Beginning Position 1890
- Ending Position Present
- Source Currentness Reference Creation date
- Source Citation Abbreviation USBGN
- Source Contribution Feature names and attribute information
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator 24000
- Type of Source Media paper
- Source Time Period of Content
- Beginning Position Unknown
- Ending Position Present
- Source Currentness Reference Publication date
- Source Citation Abbreviation USFS
- Source Contribution Feature names and attribute information
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator
- Type of Source Media paper
- Source Time Period of Content
- Beginning Position Unknown
- Ending Position Present
- Source Currentness Reference Publication date
- Source Citation Abbreviation NOAA/NOS
- Source Contribution Feature names and attribute information
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Source Scale Denominator
- Type of Source Media Multiple electronic or text media types.
- Source Time Period of Content
- Beginning Position Unknown
- Ending Position Unknown
- Source Currentness Reference Unknown
- Source Citation Abbreviation Various
- Source Contribution Feature names and attribute information
- Process Step
- Process Description GNIS Phase I data compilation and edit - Feature name and attribute data
were collected from the largest-scale USGS topographic maps available. These
data are compared to the records of the U.S. Board on Geographic
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USGS
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USBGN
- Process Date 1981-05
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Roger L. Payne
- Organization Name
- Position Name Chief, Geographic Names Project
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 703 648 4544
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 523 National Center
- City Reston
- Administrative Area Virginia
- Postal Code 20192
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description GNIS Phase II data compilation and edit - Feature name and attribute data
are collected from official state and local sources and other approved sources
including historical maps and documents.
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USGS
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USBGN
- Process Date Not complete
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Roger L. Payne
- Organization Name
- Position Name Chief, Geographic Names Project
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 703 648 4544
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 523 National Center
- City Reston
- Administrative Area Virginia
- Postal Code 20192
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description GNIS Maintenance program - Federal and state maintenance cooperators
submit new and corrected data in conjunction with their mapping and geographical
information system data maintenance programs. The GNIS has an active data
gathering and maintenance program. A web-based data date entry and edit
application allows authorized users to submit transaction data directly for
validation and entry into the database, where it immediately becomes available
to all web services and applications. A test and demonstration site with no
connection to production data is available for review, training, and
familiarization. Batch files will be accepted in most standard formats.
Government agencies at all levels are encouraged to join this program. Other
organizations and individuals will be considered on a case basis. For additional
information or to request user accounts for entry and edit of production data
and web seminar training, contact or the individual
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USGS
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USBGN
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation USFS
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation Various
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation NOAA/NOS
- Process Date Not complete
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Louis A. Yost
- Organization Name
- Position Name Chief, Geographic Names Information Section
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 703 648 4552
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 523 National Center
- City Reston
- Administrative Area Virginia
- Postal Code 20192
- Country
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description Partnerships - the Geographic Names Project enters into partnerships with
State names authorities and State and local GIS agencies to integrate name,
location, and attribute data in the GNIS with State and local datasets. These
partnerships utilize GIS and web technology to automate and simplify data
maintenance, ensure data consistency, integrity, and accuracy, and meet the
requirements of the Board on Geographic Names for national names
standardization. Government agencies at all levels are encouraged to join this
program. Other organizations and individuals will be considered on a case basis.
For additional information contact the individual below.
- Process Date Not complete
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name Roger L. Payne
- Organization Name
- Position Name Chief, Geographic Names Project
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 703 648 4544
- Facsimile
- Address
- Delivery Point 523 National Center
- City Reston
- Administrative Area Virginia
- Postal Code 20192
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description The New Mexico data was downloaded from the GNIS website, and was created
into a shapefile. Points that had no geographic information were deleted from
the file.
- Process Date 2008-12-10
- Process Time
- Process Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
- Process Step
- Process Description New Mexico buildings were extracted from the GNIS dataset.
- Process Date 2009-03-05
- Process Time
- Process Contact
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Metadata Reference Information
- File Identifier 2d7db37e-252d-4534-bab4-adccd9eba963
- Metadata Language English
- Hierarchy Level Dataset
- Date Stamp 2025-02-11
- Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
- Metadata Standard Version 1.0
- Metadata Contact
- Individual Name
- Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
- Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
- Role Point of contact
- Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Facsimile 505-277-3614
- Address
- Delivery Point MSC01 1110
- Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- Administrative Area NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Electronic Mail Address
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