Santa Fe County TIGER 2000 Hydrography and Nodes
Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository
Identification Information
- Citation
- Citation Information
- Originator U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division
- Publication Date 2009-02-25
- Publication Time 00:00:00
- Title Santa Fe County TIGER 2000 Hydrography and Nodes
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form vector digital data
- Publication Information
- Publication Place Washington, DC
- Publisher U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census Geography Division
- Other Citation Details
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Online Linkage
- Larger Work Citation
- Description
- Abstract TIGER, TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line
files are an extract of selected geographic and cartographic information from the Census TIGER data base. The geographic
coverage for a single TIGER/Line file is a county or statistical equivalent entity, with the coverage area based on January
1, 2000 legal boundaries. A complete set of Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files includes all counties and statistically
equivalent entities in the United States and Puerto Rico. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files will not include
files for the Island Areas. The Census TIGER data base represents a seamless national file with no overlaps or gaps between
parts. However, each county-based TIGER/Line file is designed to stand alone as an independent data set or the files can
be combined to cover the whole Nation. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files consist of line segments representing
physical features and governmental and statistical boundaries. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files do NOT contain
the ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs) and the address ranges are of approximately the same vintage as those appearing in the
1999 TIGER/Line files. That is, the Census Bureau is producing the Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files in advance
of the computer processing that will ensure that the address ranges in the TIGER/Line files agree with the final Master Address
File (MAF) used for tabulating Census 2000. The files contain information distributed over a series of record types for the
spatial objects of a county. There are 17 record types, including the basic data record, the shape coordinate points, and
geographic codes that can be used with appropriate software to prepare maps. Other geographic information contained in the
files includes attributes such as feature identifiers/census feature class codes (CFCC) used to differentiate feature types,
address ranges and ZIP Codes, codes for legal and statistical entities, latitude/longitude coordinates of linear and point
features, landmark point features, area landmarks, key geographic features, and area boundaries. The Redistricting Census
2000 TIGER/Line data dictionary contains a complete list of all the fields in the 17 record types.
- Purpose In order for others to use the information in the Census TIGER data base in a geographic information system (GIS) or for other
geographic applications, the Census Bureau releases to the public extracts of the data base in the form of
TIGER/Line files. Various versions of the TIGER/Line files have been released; previous versions include the 1990 Census
TIGER/Line files, the 1992 TIGER/Line files, the 1994 TIGER/Line files, the 1995 TIGER/Line files, the 1997 TIGER/Line files,
the 1998 TIGER/Line files, and the 1999 TIGER/Line files. The Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files were originally
produced to support the Census 2000 Redistricting Data Program.
- Supplemental Information To find out more about TIGER/Line files and other Census TIGER data base derived data sets visit
- Time Period of Content
- Single Date/Time
- Calendar Date 2000
- Currentness Reference 2000
- Status
- Progress Complete
- Maintenance and Update Frequency
TIGER/Line files are extracted from the Census TIGER data base when needed for
geographic programs required to support the census and survey programs of the
Census Bureau. No changes or updates will be made to the Redistricting Census
2000 TIGER/Line files. Future releases of TIGER/Line files will reflect updates
made to the Census TIGER data base and will be released under a version numbering
system based on the month and year the data is extracted.
- Spatial Domain
- Bounding Coordinates
- West Bounding Coordinate -106.249103
- East Bounding Coordinate -105.714508
- North Bounding Coordinate 36.002244
- South Bounding Coordinate 35.040033
- Keywords
- Theme
- Thesaurus None
- Keyword Line Feature
- Keyword Feature Identifier
- Keyword Census Feature Class Code (CFCC)
- Keyword Address Range
- Keyword Geographic Entity
- Keyword Point/Node
- Keyword Landmark Feature
- Keyword Political Boundary
- Keyword Statistical Boundary
- Keyword Polygon
- Keyword County/County Equivalent
- Keyword TIGER/Line
- Keyword Topology
- Keyword Street Centerline
- Keyword Latitude/Longitude
- Keyword ZIP Code
- Keyword Vector
- Keyword TIGER/Line Identification Number (TLID)
- Keyword Street Segment
- Keyword Coordinate
- Keyword Boundary
- Theme
- Thesaurus ISO 19115 Topic Categories
- Keyword inlandWaters
- Place
- Thesaurus FIPS Publication 6-4, FIPS Publication 55
- Keyword United States
- Keyword County
- Place
- Thesaurus None
- Keyword Santa Fe County
- Keyword New Mexico
- Access Constraints None
- Use Constraints None. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Bureau of the Census would be appreciated for products derived from these files. TIGER,
TIGER/Line, and Census TIGER are registered trademarks of the Bureau of the Census.
- Point of Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Person Primary
- Contact Person
- Contact Organization
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
- Contact Person
- Contact Position RGIS Clearinghouse Manager
- Contact Address
- Address Type mailing address
- Address MSC01 1110
- Address 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- State or Province NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Contact Voice Telephone (505) 277-3622
- Contact Facsimile Telephone (505) 277-3614
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Hours of Service 8:00-5:00 Mountain Time Zone
- Contact Instructions
- Native Data Set Environment Microsoft Windows 2000 Version 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 4; ESRI ArcCatalog
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Data Quality Information
- Attribute Accuracy Report
- Report
Accurate against Federal information Processing Standards
(FIPS), FIPS Publication 6-4, and FIPS-55 at the 100% level for the codes and base
names. The remaining attribute information has been examined but has not been fully
tested for accuracy.
- Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
- Attribute Accuracy Value
- Attribute Accuracy Explanation
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
- Report The information present in these files is provided for the purposes of statistical analysis and census operations only. Coordinates
in the TIGER/Line files have six implied decimal places, but the positional accuracy of these coordinates is not as great
as the six decimal places suggest. The positional accuracy varies with the source materials used, but generally the information
is no better than the established national map Accuracy standards for 1:100,000-scale maps from the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS); thus it is NOT suitable for high-precision measurement applications such as engineering problems, property transfers,
or other uses that might require highly accurate measurements of the earth's surface. The USGS 1:100,000-scale maps met national
map accuracy standards and use coordinates defined by the North American Datum, 1983. For the contiguous 48 States, the cartographic
fidelity of most of the Redistricting Census 2000 TIGER/Line files, in areas outside the 1980 census Geographic Base File/Dual
Independent map Encoding (GBF/DIME) file coverage and selected other large metropolitan areas, compare favorable with the
USGS 1:100,000-scale maps. The Census Bureau cannot specify the accuracy of features inside of what was the 1980 GBF/DIME-File
coverage or selected metropolitan areas. The Census Bureau added updates to the TIGER/Line files that enumerators annotated
on maps sheets prepared from the Census TIGER data base as they attempted to traverse every street feature shown on the Census
2000 map sheets; the Census Bureau also made other corrections from updated map sheets supplied by local participants for
Census Bureau programs. The locational accuracy of these updates is of unknown quality. In addition to the Federal, State,
and local sources,
portions of the files may contain information obtained in part from maps and other materials prepared by private companies.
Despite the fact the TIGER/Line data positional accuracy is not as high as the coordinate values imply, the six-decimal place
precision is useful when producing maps. The precision allows features that are next to each other on the ground to be placed
in the correct position, on the map, relative to each other, without overlap.
- Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
- Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
- Logical Consistency Report
The feature network of lines (as represented by Record Types 1 and 2) is compete
for census purposes. Spatial objects in TIGER/Line belong to the "Geometry and
Topology" (GT) class of objects in the "Spatial Data Transfer Standard" (SDTS)
FIPS Publication 173 and are topologically valid. Node/geometry and topology
(GT)-polygon/chain relationships are collected or generated to satisfy topological
edit requirements. These requirements include:
* Complete chains must begin and end at nodes.
* Complete chains must connect to each other at nodes.
* Complete chains do not extend through nodes.
* Left and right GT-polygons are defined for each complete chain element and are
consistent throughout the extract process.
* the chains representing the limits of the files are free of gaps.
The Census Bureau performed automated tests to ensure logical consistency and limits
of files. All polygons are tested for closure. The Census Bureau uses its internally
developed Geographic Update System to enhance and modify spatial and attribute data in
the Census TIGER data base. Standard geographic codes, such as FIPS codes for states,
counties, municipalities, and places, are used when encoding spatial entities. The
Census Bureau performed spatial data tests for logical consistency of the codes during
the compilation of the original Census TIGER data base files. Most of the Codes
themselves were provided to the Census Bureau by the USGS, the agency responsible for
maintaining FIPS 55. Feature attribute information has been examined but has not been
fully tested for consistency.
- Completeness Report
Data completeness of the TIGER/Line files reflects the contents of the Census TIGER
data base at the time the TIGER/Line files (Redistricting Census 2000 version) were
- Lineage
- Source Information
- Source Citation
- Citation Information
- Originator U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Geography Division
- Publication Date Unpublished
- Publication Time
- Title Census TIGER data base
- Geospatial Data Presentation Form
- Publication Information
- Publication Place
- Publisher
- Other Citation Details
- Source Scale Denominator
- Type of Source Media On line
- Source Time Period of Content
- Source Currentness Reference Date the file was made available to create TIGER/Line File extracts.
- Source Citation Abbreviation TIGER
- Source Contribution
Selected geographic and cartographic information (line segments) from
the Census TIGER data base.
- Process Step
- Process Description In order for others to use the information in the Census TIGER data base in a GIS or for other geographic applications, the
Census Bureau releases periodic extracts of selected information from the Census TIGER data base, organized as topologically
consistent networks. Software (TIGER DB routines) written by the
Geography Division allows for efficient access to Census TIGER system data. TIGER/Line files are extracted from the Census
TIGER data base by county or statistical equivalent area. Census TIGER data for a given county or statistical equivalent
area is then distributed among 17 fixed length record ASCII files, each one containing attributes for either line, polygon,
or landmark geographic data types. The Census Bureau has released various versions of the TIGER/Line files since 1988, with
each version having more updates (feature and feature names,
address ranges and ZIP Codes, coordinate updates, revised field definitions, etc.) than the previous version.
- Source Used Citation Abbreviation TIGER
- Process Date 2000
- Process Time
- Process Contact
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Spatial Data Organization Information
- Indirect Spatial Reference Method Rio Arriba County (35039)
- Direct Spatial Reference Method Vector
- Point and Vector Object Information
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type String
- Point and Vector Object Count 4528
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type Entity point
- Point and Vector Object Count Unknown
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type Complete chain
- Point and Vector Object Count Unknown
- SDTS Terms Description
- SDTS Point and Vector Object Type GT-polygon composed of chains
- Point and Vector Object Count Unknown
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Spatial Reference Information
- Spatial Reference
- Name North American Datum of 1983
- Code EPSG:4269
- Spatial Reference
- Name Geodetic Reference System 80
- Code EPSG:7019
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Entity and Attribute Information
- Detailed Description
- Entity Type
- Entity Type Labeltgr49hyd00
- Entity Type Definition Census Roads from 2000 Census
- Entity Type Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FID
- Attribute Definition Internal feature number.
- Attribute Definition Source ESRI
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label Shape
- Attribute Definition Feature geometry.
- Attribute Definition Source ESRI
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Coordinates defining the features.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label TLID
- Attribute Definition Tiger Line ID. A unique number assigned to all line segments within TIGER.
- Attribute Definition Source U.S. Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Tiger Line IDs (TLIDS) are unique numbers assigned to all TIGER line segments.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FNODE
- Attribute Definition Internal number of from-node
- Attribute Definition Source ESRI
- Attribute Domain Values
- Enumerated Domain
- Enumerated Domain Value Sequential unique positive integer
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
- Attribute
- Attribute Label TNODE
- Attribute Definition Internal number of to-node
- Attribute Definition Source ESRI
- Attribute Domain Values
- Enumerated Domain
- Enumerated Domain Value Sequential unique positive integer
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
- Attribute
- Attribute Label LENGTH
- Attribute Definition Length of arc in coverage units
- Attribute Definition Source ESRI
- Attribute Domain Values
- Enumerated Domain
- Enumerated Domain Value Positive real numbers
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition n/a
- Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source n/a
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FEDIRP
- Attribute Definition Feature Direction, Prefix
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Street direction: N, S, W, E, NW, SW, etc.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FENAME
- Attribute Definition Feature Name
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Character field
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FETYPE
- Attribute Definition Feature Type (Stream, River etc)
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Character field
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FEDIRS
- Attribute Definition Feature Direction, Suffix
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Character field
- Attribute
- Attribute Label CFCC
- Attribute Definition Census Feature Class Code
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Road classes always begin with the letter "H", and the proceeding numbers indicate the type of stream
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FRADDL
- Attribute Definition From address range left: The starting address range number on the left side of the road.
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain A number that can be as low as 1.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label TOADDL
- Attribute Definition To address range left: The ending address range number on the left side of the road.
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Must be a number higher than the "from address left," to become an address "range."
- Attribute
- Attribute Label FRADDR
- Attribute Definition From address range right: The starting address range number on the right side of the road.
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain A number that can be as low as 1.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label TOADDR
- Attribute Definition To address range right: The ending address range number on the right side of the road
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Must be a number higher than the "from address right," to become an address "range."
- Attribute
- Attribute Label ZIPL
- Attribute Definition Zip left: The zip code on the left side of the stream.
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain A number representing the zip code
- Attribute
- Attribute Label ZIPR
- Attribute Definition Zip right: The zip code on the right side of the stream.
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain A number representing the zip code
- Attribute
- Attribute Label CENSUS1
- Attribute Definition Census Use 1
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Assigned by US Census Bureau.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label CENSUS2
- Attribute Definition Census Use 2
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Unrepresentable Domain Assigned by US Census Bureau.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label CFCC1
- Attribute Definition The feature class
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Codeset Domain
- Codeset Name CFCC1
- Codeset Source See TIGER/LineŽ Files Technical Documentation:, page 84 for CFCC
identification. CFCC2 codes consist of the first character in the CFCC code which indicates the feature class.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label CFCC2
- Attribute Definition The feature class with main category
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Codeset Domain
- Codeset Name CFCC2
- Codeset Source See TIGER/LineŽ Files Technical Documentation:, page 84 for CFCC
identification. CFCC2 codes consist of the first character in the CFCC code which indicates the feature class.
- Attribute
- Attribute Label SOURCE
- Attribute Definition Source or First Source Code to Update
- Attribute Definition Source Census Bureau
- Attribute Domain Values
- Codeset Domain
- Codeset Name Source
- Codeset Source See TIGER/LineŽ Files Technical Documentation:, page 163 for source
code documentation.
- Overview Description
- Entity and Attribute Overview
The TIGER/Line files contain data describing three major
types of features/entities;
Line Features -
1) Roads
2) Railroads
3) Hydrography
4) Miscellaneous transportation features and selected power lines and pipe lines
5) Political and statistical boundaries
Landmark Features -
1) Point landmarks, e.g., schools and churches.
2) Area landmarks, e.g., Parks and cemeteries.
3) Key geographic locations (KGLs), e.g., shopping centers and factories.
Polygon features -
1) Geographic entity codes for areas used to tabulate the Census 2000 census
statistical data and 1990 geographic areas
2) Locations of area landmarks
3) Locations of KGLs
The line features and polygon information form the majority of data in the TIGER/Line
files. Some of the data/attributes describing the lines include coordinates, feature
identifiers (names), CFCCs (used to identify the most noticeable characteristic of a
feature), address ranges, and geographic entity codes. The TIGER/Line files contain
point and area labels that describe landmark features and provide locational reference.
Area landmarks consist of a feature name or label and feature type assigned to a polygon
or group of polygons. Landmarks may overlap or refer to the same set of polygons.
The Census TIGER data base uses collections of spatial objects (points, lines, and
polygons) to model or describe real-world geography. The Census Bureau uses these
spatial objects to represent features such as streets, rivers, and political boundaries
and assigns attributes to these features to identify and describe specific features
such as the 500 block of Market Street in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Entity and Attribute Detail Citation
U.S. Bureau of the Census, TIGER/Line files,
Redistricting Census 2000 Technical Documentation. The TIGER/Line documentation
defines the terms and definitions used within the files.
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Distribution Information
- Distributor
- Resource Description Downloadable Data
- Distribution Liability The material on this site is made available as a public service. Maps and data are to be used for reference purposes only
and the Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC), Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) and The University of New Mexico
are not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due
to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Unless otherwise indicated in the documentation
(metadata) for individual data sets, information on this site is public domain and may be copied without permission; citation
of the source is appreciated.
- Standard Order Process
- Digital Form
- Digital Transfer Information
- Format Name ZIP
- Transfer Size 1
- Digital Transfer Option
- Online Option
- Computer Contact Information
- Network Address
- Network Resource Name
- Access Instructions Download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) at
- Fees None. The files are available to download from Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) (
- Ordering Instructions Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at
- Custom Order Process Contact Earth Data Analysis Center at
- Technical Prerequisites Adequate computer capability is the only technical prerequisite for viewing data in digital form.
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Metadata Reference Information
- Metadata Date 2025-02-14
- Metadata Review Date
- Metadata Future Review Date
- Metadata Contact
- Contact Information
- Contact Person Primary
- Contact Person
- Contact Organization
- Contact Organization Primary
- Contact Organization Earth Data Analysis Center
- Contact Person
- Contact Position Clearinghouse Manager
- Contact Address
- Address Type mailing and physical address
- Address MSC01 1110
- Address 1 University of New Mexico
- City Albuquerque
- State or Province NM
- Postal Code 87131-0001
- Country USA
- Contact Voice Telephone 505-277-3622 ext. 230
- Contact Facsimile Telephone 505-277-3614
- Contact Electronic Mail Address
- Hours of Service 0800 - 1700 MT, M-F -7 hours GMT
- Contact Instructions
- Metadata Standard Name FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
- Metadata Standard Version FGDC-STD-001-1998
- Metadata Time Convention
- Metadata Access Constraints
- Metadata Use Constraints
- Metadata Security Information
- Security Classification System
- Security Classification
- Security Handling Description
- Metadata Extensions
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