HSIP Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) in New Mexico

Metadata from the RGIS Metadata Repository

Identification Information

Title HSIP Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) in New Mexico
Date 2010-02-04
Date Type Publication
Cited Responsible Party
Organization Name Techni Graphic Systems, Inc. New Mexico Emergency Management (NMEM)
Role identify
Presentation Form vector digital data
Abstract Emergency Operations Centers (EOC) in New Mexico "The physical location at which the coordination of information and resources to support domestic incident management activities normally takes place. An EOC may be a temporary facility or may be located in a more central or permanently established facility, perhaps at a higher level of organization within a jurisdiction. EOCs may be organized by major functional disciplines (e.g., fire, law enforcement, and medical services), by jurisdiction (e.g., Federal, State, regional, county, city, tribal), or some combination thereof." (Excerpted from the National Incident Management System) In instances where TGS could not verify the location of an Emergency Operations Center due to non-cooperation of the entity and to the exhaustion of all possible alternative resources, its location was depicted at the center of the service area. In cases where an Emergency Operations Center has a mobile unit, TGS captured the location of the mobile unit as a separate record. This record represents where the mobile unit is stored. Text fields in this dataset have been set to all upper case to facilitate consistent database engine search results. All diacritics (e.g., the German umlaut or the Spanish tilde) have been replaced with their closest equivalent English character to facilitate use with database systems that may not support diacritics. The currentness of this dataset is indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. Based upon this attribute, the oldest record dates from 03/28/2007 and the newest record dates from 04/25/2007.
Purpose Homeland Security Use Cases: Use cases describe how the data may be used and help to define and clarify requirements. 1. A resource for preparing, mitigating, responding to and recovering from an emergency. 2. A list of resources to draw upon by surrounding areas when local resources have temporarily been overwhelmed by a disaster. 3. A resource for Emergency Management planning purposes. 4. A resource for catastrophe response to aid in the retrieval of equipment by outside responders in order to deal with the disaster. 5. A resource for situational awareness planning and response for Federal Government events.
Status Complete
Point of Contact
Individual Name Mike Thompson
Organization Name
Position Name Director of Geospatial Datasets
Role Point of contact
Voice 330-263-6222
Facsimile 330-263-6294
Delivery Point 2000 Noble Drive
City Wooster
Administrative Area Ohio
Postal Code 44691
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address mthompson@tgstech.com
Maintenance and Update Frequency Unknown
Descriptive Keywords Emergency management, Civil defense
Access Constraints There are no access constraints.
Use Constraints There are no use constraints.
Language English
Topic Category health
Geographic Bounding Box
West Bound -108.78991739685
East Bound -103.133387885792
North Bound 36.9348798151312
South Bound 32.2621151481307
Temporal Extent
Beginning Position 2007-03-28
Ending Position 2007-04-25
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Distribution Information

Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
Transfer Options
Online Resource ZIP
Online Resource ESRI Shapefile (shp)
Online Resource GML
Online Resource KML
Online Resource GeoJSON
Online Resource JSON
Online Resource Comma Separated Values (csv)
Online Resource MS Excel format (xls)
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Spatial Reference Information

Spatial References
Spatial Reference D_WGS_1984
Online Reference EPSG:4326
Spatial Reference WGS_1984
Online Reference EPSG:4326
Indirect Spatial Reference Rio Arriba County (35039)
Geometric Object Type Entity point
Geometric Object Count 87
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Data Quality Information

Attribute Accuracy Report
Report For entities that were contacted, the name, address, city, state, and five (5) digit zip code was verified to be correct as of the date indicated by the [CONTDATE] attribute. The existence of the entity was also verified, as well as whether or not it met the criteria for inclusion in this dataset. Four (4) digit zip code extensions were derived from USPS (United States Postal Service) data and were not verified. ID Check: The [ID] attribute is not blank and all IDs are unique. Coordinate Check: Coordinates are not null or zero and the x and y fields match the shape. Basic Address Check: Physical addresses were verified to be non blank and to not be a "PO Box", "General Delivery", "Highway Contract", or "Rural Route" address. There is 1 entity in New Mexico that failed this check. This entity has been contacted, but an address could not be verified since the contacts were uncooperative. Basic Name Check: Entity name is not blank, and it has a minimum of 2 characters. Name does not contain punctuation characters that can interfere with database operations, such as " (quote) and * (asterisk). Basic Phone Check: All phone numbers (including the area code) are ten (10) numeric digits. Alphabetic characters have been converted to the corresponding numeric digit. County FIPS to State Compare Check: The county represented by the tabular FIPS Code attribute is actually in the state specified by the state attribute. County Name to State Compare Check: The county represented by the tabular county name attribute is actually in the state specified by the state attribute. Phone Number Format Check: Phone numbers (including area code) were verified to be formatted as nnn-nnn-nnnn. NPA_NXX Check: Area codes (sometimes called "Number Planning Areas", or NPA's) and central office codes (sometimes known as exchanges, or NXX's) were validated against data from the North American Number Planning Administration (NANPA). In some cases, NPA-NXX combinations did not show up in the NANPA data but were verified to work. Zip Code Check: The zip code is five (5) or nine (9) numeric digits, and is listed in the postal database, is in the same state as indicated by the entity's [STATE] attribute. Zip City Check: The entity's zip code and its city were verified to match according to the USPS Address Information System (AIS). Collocation Check: Entities with different addresses must not share the exact same geospatial location. Geographic Spell Check: Words that appear in the entity name were checked against a standard English word list (and Spanish word list for entities in Puerto Rico). Words not appearing in these standard word lists were then checked against names appearing in the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) of geographic features that are located within 25 miles of the entity. Proper names were manually reviewed for correct spelling.
Quantitative Attribute Accuracy Assessment
Attribute Accuracy Value
Attribute Accuracy Explanation
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report
Report The geographic location of contacted entities was verified to be correct relative to the street data vendor and version as indicated by the [ST_VENDOR] and [ST_VERSION] attributes. The horizontal accuracy is indicated by the [GEOPREC] attribute. A value of "BLOCKFACE" indicates that the entity was geocoded on the correct block and correct side of the street. A value of "ONENTITY" indicates that the location is on the entity's facility as determined by USGS DOQQ imagery and that it is on the correct block and correct side of the street.
Quantitative Horizontal Positional Accuracy Assessment
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Value
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Explanation
Logical Consistency Report See "Attribute_Accuracy_Report". Many of the checks described in that section check for both attribute accuracy and logical consistency.
Completeness Report This dataset is based on information provided by the New Mexico Emergency Management (NMEM) and the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group. Administrative Locations: Locations that serve only an administrative purpose (e.g., purchasing, billing, budgeting) are intended to be excluded from this dataset, but a few may be included.
Source Information
Source Citation
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Electronic Mail System
Source Time Period of Content
DateTime 2007-02-27
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation NM_EOC
Source Contribution This was used as a source for Emergency Operations Centers in New Mexico.
Source Information
Source Citation
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Electronic Mail System
Source Time Period of Content
DateTime 2007-02-13
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation DHS/FPS_CITY_EOC
Source Contribution This was provided by the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group and was used as a source for Emergency Operations Centers in the United States.
Source Information
Source Citation
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media Electronic Mail System
Source Time Period of Content
DateTime 2007-02
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation FEMA_STATE_EOC
Source Contribution This was provided by the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Working Group and was used as a source for Emergency Operations Centers in the United States.
Source Information
Source Citation
Source Scale Denominator
Type of Source Media CD-ROM
Source Time Period of Content
DateTime 2006
Source Currentness Reference publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation NAVTEQ_Streets_2006_Q4
Source Contribution NAVTEQ streets were used as a reference in the automatic geocoding and manual geolocating of entities.
Process Step
Process Description TGS Emergency Operations Centers Processing > 1) Verified name, physical address, and phone number by contacting the entity or an authority responsible for the entity. > 2) Determined or verified the geospatial location for the entity through contact with entity or authority responsible for entity. Entities were asked to describe their geospatial location relative to landmarks visible in ortho imagery. > 3) In cases where an Emergency Operations Center has a mobile unit, TGS captured the location of the mobile unit as a separate record. This record represents where the mobile unit is stored. > 4) All of the entities that were "completely verified" were reviewed by a TGS QC Technician. QC Technicians are trained to look for inconsistencies within the data and between the data and reference sources, such as imagery. Where inconsistencies exist, the TGS QC Technician re-verified the information by contacting the entity. > 5) All of the entities that were "completely verified" were examined as an aggregate (e.g., not every record was examined individually) by a TGS QC2 Technician. The automated checks described above and in the Attribute_Accuracy_Report were used to find any inconsistencies that remained in the data. If necessary, information was re-verified. > 6) NAICS Codes and NAICS Descriptions were assigned based on the entity name and on web research since this is information that can't be gathered over the phone. > 7) Four digit United States Postal Service (USPS) zip code extensions were assigned based upon USPS Address Information System (AIS). > 8) County names and county FIPS codes were assigned through a spatial join. > 9) All text fields were set to all upper case. > 10) Leading and trailing spaces were trimmed from all text fields. > 11) Non printable and diacritic characters were removed from all text fields.
Source Used Citation Abbreviation NM_EOC
Source Used Citation Abbreviation DHS/FPS_CITY_EOC
Source Used Citation Abbreviation FEMA_STATE_EOC
Source Used Citation Abbreviation NAVTEQ_Streets_2006_Q4
Process Date 2007-07-26
Process Time
Process Contact
Individual Name Nicole Hackworth
Organization Name
Position Name Project Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 330-263-6222
Delivery Point 2000 Noble Drive
City Wooster
Administrative Area Ohio
Postal Code 44691
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address nhackworth@tgstech.com
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Metadata Reference Information

File Identifier 90db76ea-b5e4-4499-8482-afc671f2fb45
Metadata Language English
Hierarchy Level Dataset
Date Stamp 2024-04-25
Metadata Standard Name ISO 19115:2003
Metadata Standard Version 1.0
Metadata Contact
Individual Name
Organization Name Earth Data Analysis Center
Position Name Clearinghouse Manager
Role Point of contact
Voice 505-277-3622 ext. 230
Facsimile 505-277-3614
Delivery Point MSC01 1110
Delivery Point 1 University of New Mexico
City Albuquerque
Administrative Area NM
Postal Code 87131-0001
Country USA
Electronic Mail Address clearinghouse@edac.unm.edu
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